Protecting Your Precious Pearls And How to Safeguard Your Teeth from Damage

Protecting Your Precious Pearls And How to Safeguard Your Teeth from Damage

Your teeth are invaluable assets, and their well-being is vital to your overall health and quality of life. However, they are not invincible and are susceptible to various forms of damage. Understanding the factors that can compromise your teeth and knowing how to prevent them is essential for maintaining a healthy, radiant smile. Here are…

Cavity Fighting Chewing Gum?

Dallas Oral Dentistry

I’m Yashmin Subba DMD of The Carrollton Dentist in Carrollton. My patients often ask me if chewing xylitol gum is an effective substitute for tooth brushing and regular dental exams. Before I answer that question, let me tell you a little bit about xylitol: Xylitol is a natural sweetener that was first discovered in birch…

Yes! You Can Replace Old Fillings

white fillings Carrollton

Superficial cuts in the skin disappear without a trace, infections are killed with antibiotics, broken bones mend, and inflamed tissues recede. Our teeth, unfortunately, can’t regenerate. Decay can be halted in its progress, but scientists are still years away from actual enamel regeneration. That’s why the team at The Carrollton Dentist strongly emphasizes preventative dentistry.…

Unveiling Your Perfect Smile and The Artistry of Cosmetic Dentistry at The Carrollton Dentist in Carrollton Texas

Unveiling Your Perfect Smile and The Artistry of Cosmetic Dentistry at The Carrollton Dentist in Carrollton Texas

In today’s world, where first impressions matter more than ever, a confident smile can open doors and create lasting connections. Cosmetic dentistry has emerged as the ultimate blend of science and art, offering a transformative approach to enhancing smiles and boosting self-esteem. At The Carrollton Dentist in Carrollton Texas, we believe that every smile deserves…

The Carrollton Dentist Teeth Whitening News

The Carrollton Dentist Dental News For Carrollton Texas

Tooth whitening treatments have advanced significantly. The team at The Carrollton Dentist is trained on the latest, safest and most effective products and systems. If you need up-to-date information on teeth whitening, schedule a consultation by calling 469-708-2049. At The Carrollton Dentist in Carrollton, we are excited about the new light tooth whitening systems. If…

Treatment For Stress-Induced Jaw Pain

Treatment For Stress Induced Jaw Pain In Carrollton

Everyday dilemmas cause some individuals to respond by clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth. Daily commuting, work problems, or an overpacked schedule are some common culprits. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can cause or complicate a painful condition called TMD or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. TMD is often mistakenly called ‘TMJ,’ the acronym for temporomandibular…

Why You Should Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned at The Carrollton Dentist

Why You Should Have Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned at The Carrollton Dentist

Having a bright, healthy smile can be a major confidence booster. Professional teeth cleaning at The Carrollton Dentist is one of the most effective ways to achieve a healthy smile. Not only does it help to remove surface stains and discoloration, but it also helps to promote overall oral health. Professional teeth cleaning at The…