Finding Relief for Sensitive Teeth: Treatment Options at The Carrollton Dentist
Do you cringe when eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee due to sensitive teeth? Tooth sensitivity is a common dental issue that affects millions of people, but the good news is, that it’s treatable! At the Carrollton Dentist, we offer a range of solutions to help ease the discomfort and get you back to […]
Which Tooth Whitener Works Best?
What is the best professional tooth whitening system to use in Carrollton? There are two types of dentist-supervised tooth whitening systems available in Dallas. In order to determine the best choice for your teeth, schedule, and budget; you need to understand the differences in the systems. Both systems use a bleaching agent containing peroxide. Carrollton […]
Has Your Child Visited A Dentist?
Hello! Today’s The Carrollton Dentist blog is for new parents. We know that your child’s health and safety is your top priority. That’s why you baby-proof your home, serve healthy foods, and buckle them tightly in their car seat before you pull out of your driveway. We want to remind Carrollton parents that oral health […]
Sealants: Family Dentistry in Carrollton
Dental sealants are an effective way to protect your teeth, and your children’s teeth, from tooth decay. They are a standard part of the family dentistry practiced by The Carrollton Dentist. If you aren’t familiar with dental sealants, here are some basics: Q. What are dental sealants? A. Dental sealants are permanent plastic barriers applied […]
Cavities Aren’t Part Of Growing Up: Dental Fillings in Carrollton
Preventative dental treatment can stop cavities and the need for fillings in children. At the Carrolton Dentist, we believe that cavities are not necessarily a part of growing up. One of the best preventative treatments is a dental sealant. Dental sealants are a thin coat of clear resin applied to the biting surfaces of teeth, […]