TMJ Treatment: What You Need to Know

TMJ treatment at The Carrollton Dentist

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) can be a painful condition that affects your jaw and jaw muscles. It can make it difficult to eat and speak and can even cause headaches and neck pain. If you suspect you may have TMJ disorder, it’s important to seek dental treatment as early as possible. In this blog post,…

Treatment For Stress-Induced Jaw Pain

Treatment For Stress Induced Jaw Pain In Carrollton

Everyday dilemmas cause some individuals to respond by clenching their jaw or grinding their teeth. Daily commuting, work problems, or an overpacked schedule are some common culprits. Teeth grinding and jaw clenching can cause or complicate a painful condition called TMD or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder. TMD is often mistakenly called ‘TMJ,’ the acronym for temporomandibular…

How to Kick a Tooth Grinding Habit

how to kick a tooth grinding habit Carrollton

Plenty of men and women all over the world suffer from the habit of grinding their teeth. Some people grind their teeth because they are stressed, some people grind their teeth as a coping mechanism, and some individuals grind their teeth in their sleep without realizing it. Don’t Ignore Teeth Grinding Grinding of the teeth, clenching…

The 411 on TMJ

TMJ dentist Carrollton

Do you have unexplained pain or clicking sounds in your jaw? They can be signs of serious oral issues. Some problems with the jaw and the muscles that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). But it’s also typically called TMJ, because that’s the acronym for the name of the joint. Technically, that’s not…