Why a Root Canal Is Not Something To Fear

Learn about root canal sedation in Carrollton.

This post from the Carrollton Dentist addresses one of the most feared dental procedures: the infamous root canal. If you are told that you need a root canal, don’t panic. Your dentist recommends this procedure when it is better for your tooth than the alternatives. A successful root canal (or endodontic treatment in dental-speak) can…

What is Dental Sleep Medicine?

dental sleep medicine Carrollton

What is dental sleep medicine? It’s a relatively new branch of dentistry that treats sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing problems. Don’t confuse dental sleep medicine with dental sedation or sleep dentistry. Dental sleep medicine treats sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a condition where you have frequent, recurring delays in breathing…

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

wisdom teeth Carrollton

Evolution isn’t always tidy and linear. For example, we have smaller jaws than our ancestors thousands of years ago, but most of our bodies haven’t adapted by generating fewer teeth. Two-thirds of us generate the same amount of teeth as early humans. These late-developing extra molars are called wisdom teeth and they pose unique oral…