6 Ways To Prepare For Your Dental Procedure
Are you nervous about some upcoming dental treatment? Let The Carrollton Dentist offer 6 ways to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and physically before your big dental day.
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe For Carrollton?
When I discuss sedation dentistry with new Dallas cosmetic dentistry patients, I encounter many misconceptions. The purpose of today’s The Carrollton Dentist dentistry article is to debunk some of the most common myths about dental sedation.
5 Tips For Fort Worth Residents With Mouth Sores
Hi, I’m Dr. Melissa Rodriguez. When my Farmers Branch and Plano area patients get mouth sores, I advise them to evaluate what they’re eating and make some temporary changes. By following these tips, you too can avoid the discomfort eating can cause and help to increase the speed of healing.