6 Easy Ways To Eat Like A Dentist

Fort Worth cosmetic dental and tooth implants

There is nothing that impacts your smile as much as your eating habits. At The Carrollton Dentist, where we specialize in family dentistry, we encourage good nutritional habits in all our patients.

Follow these tips:

1. Rinse after eating

Rinse your mouth with a sip of water or brush your teeth after meals. People who snack all day long subject their teeth to sugars and food debris. Planned meals with brushing in between keeps your oral health on top.

2. Avoid sugary gum

Sugar free gum doesn’t leave sugar to break down on your teeth and jeopardize your hard earned healthy gums. If you are gum chewer, do your smile a favor and go sugarless.

3. Avoid sticky foods

Sticky foods have a way of clinging to your teeth, which puts you at risk of decay. Toffee, gummy candy, fruit snacks, even dried fruit can be ill-advised for smiles. Brushing doesn’t always clear away the obstinate particles, so remember to floss after eating sticky stuff.

4. Consume nutritious foods

A balanced diet with a variety of vitamins and minerals can keep the immune system durable and able to resist infection.

5. Say ‘cheese!’

Cheese contains calcium and protects teeth from acid that weakens tooth enamel. (Don’t go overboard – cheese is high in fat.)

6. Avoid acidic foods

Acid will eat away enamel over time: lemons, red wine, soda pop. Limit direct, constant, consistent exposure. All things in moderation.

If you have worries about damage that’s already taken place on your teeth, or need help with crooked, chipped, or missing teeth, call The Carrollton Dentist today. We provide general and family dentistry, and popular cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening.

Contact The Carrollton Dentist:


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2440 N Josey Ln Ste 101
Carrollton, Texas


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