Why Look For The Seal?

Look For The Seal In Dallas

Here’s a tip from The Carrollton Dentist: when you go to the store looking for toothpaste, mouthwash, or other oral care products, make sure your purchase carries the seal of the American Dental Association (ADA). This is a simple way to make smart choices for the products you need to keep your mouth clean, healthy…

Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

Fort Worth cosmetic dental and tooth implants

Millions of Americans experience tooth sensitivity to one degree or another, causing them to avoid certain foods and beverages. If this sounds like you, please talk to us about it at The Carrollton Dentist. People with sensitive teeth are most likely to have problems with temperature. Hot or cold things, like ice cream, can be…

5 Cavity Basics

Dallas Cosmetic Dentist

Preventing cavities is one of the main reasons people visit the dentist. At The Carrollton Dentist, we want all our patients to have healthy gums, and teeth free of any decay. Here are five things you should know about cavities. Tooth decay is one of the most common of all diseases, second only to the…

Hiccups In Your Dental Routine

Farmers Branch cosmetic dental veneers

This post from The Carrollton Dentist looks at dental care routines, and what happens when they’re interrupted. The most common times people stop to brush their teeth are morning and night – either before or after breakfast, after dinner, or at bedtime. Common concerns that come with this routine involve hiccups in the schedule, from…